; 5 Questions to ask a Technology Rental Company before you hire them… - Computer Rentals

5 Questions to ask a Technology Rental Company before you hire them…

Before you sign on the dotted line with your Technology Rental Company…here’s a checklist of questions.

1. What is included in the technology rental quote? 


2. What equipment does the technology rental company have in stock?

3. When your technology rental company tells you that they will deliver your equipment in 24 hours, does that actually mean 24 hours, or does it mean the end of the next business day?


4. Ask about the company’s hours. Do they have hours where they are closed?


5. Once the rental company sets everything up, do they test it all, including all audio, to make sure it’s working?


No matter what type of marketing event, conference, or entertainment office you are setting up, it’s important to ask your prospective technology rental company these questions that will allow you to make the best choices for your company, project, budget, and timeline.

The tech rental business, just like any other dynamic industry, can be a challenge to navigate, and it can be time consuming to gather the information you need to make the right decision. Plus, as you have no doubt experienced, improper or poorly set up equipment can quickly bring any project to a halt.

And often you have a tight timeline when you find yourself in need of renting technology, so it’s especially important to make sure you are in complete agreement with the company you use on exactly when they can deliver, and how long each step of the rental process will take.

That’s why our experts at eTech Rentals have put together a list of questions we recommend you ask any technology rental company before you hire them.

1. What is included in the technology rental quote? 

On the surface one tech rental company can appear less expensive than the other – until you don’t get exactly what you want, or the final bill comes. It’s important to make sure that everything you need is included in your quote so you don’t end up with additional charges you didn’t anticipate. Does the price include up-to-date equipment? Delivery and setup if desired? Troubleshooting? Linking to existing equipment? Do you have an exact timeline for each step including replacement of any equipment if needed?

2. What equipment does the technology rental company have in stock?

When it comes to tech equipment, having access to the latest and greatest is important: for capability, capacity, effectiveness, and energy efficiency. The last thing you want is to struggle to try and impress your potential clients with equipment that is outdated and ineffective, or to try and run an entertainment office with technology that is slow or unable to handle all the latest software.  

3. When your technology rental company tells you that they will deliver your equipment in 24 hours, does that actually mean 24 hours, or does it mean the end of the next business day?

Time is money. And the difference between an actual 24 hours compared to the end of the next business day, is huge. Those few hours (or days if holidays and weekends don’t count) can create a serious dent in your ability to stick to the timeline higher ups may be demanding, or that your industry dictates.

4. Ask about the company’s hours. Do they have hours where they are closed?

This question is key. Is the rental company going to be closed during hours you may need them if a problem occurs? How fast will replacement of faulty equipment occur if the company is closed? These are the kinds of questions you need to ask about availability.

5. Once the rental company sets everything up, do they test it all, including all audio, to make sure it’s working?

Even though it should go without saying, the company you select should be responsible for double checking that all equipment is working exactly as expected. Unfortunately, that does not always happen and when it doesn’t it can leave you, the customer, high and dry.

Don’t Forget the Most Important Thing…

When you are setting up an office, or renting technology for an event, beyond asking the right questions such as the 5 questions above that we recommend, don’t forget the most important thing …

Do you like the technology rental company that you are dealing with?

You have many choices when it comes to the selection of a technology rental company. And most often you are going to have repeated dealings with the people in that company. You should feel good about your interactions from the very first time you make contact. The company should:

• Make your experience as easy and as simple as possible

• Be accessible and response to your questions

• Be able to provide the expertise to ensure that you get exactly what you need

• Have the ability to make suggestions on which equipment might best suit your needs, and to maximize how you use the technology so you have the best chance of customer engagement

• Be willing to work with you no matter what type of venue you are considering

• Leave you feeling happy and satisfied with your choice

If your technology rental company can’t do all that, take your business elsewhere.

We look forward to welcoming you to the eTech Way.  Expert.   Easy.   Extra.


eTech Rentals Experts in:

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• Video Conferencing

• Technology Lounges

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