; Features of Meta’s Oculus Quest 2 VR Set and How to Use It At Events - Computer Rentals

Features of Meta’s Oculus Quest 2 VR Set and How to Use It At Events

Image Courtesy of UploadVR

As many tech aficionados already know, the virtual reality (VR) market is growing at an extremely rapid rate and is estimated to be a more than 12 billion dollar market by 2024

With this type of expected growth, it’s becoming increasingly more clear that VR headsets and VR as a whole are here to stay, and that companies of all industries will be presented with a huge opportunity to utilize this type of technology to their advantage. 

One of the top ways you can do this is by introducing VR to your events. While that may sound daunting, this post will explain how VR headsets like Meta’s Oculus Quest 2 can be utilized at events to provide an attention-grabbing, immersive experience, and to capture a larger audience. First though, let’s take a look at the most popular VR headset, the Oculus Quest 2, and review it’s numerous features. 

Features of the Oculus Quest 2 

For those who may have not yet explored the world of VR and VR headsets, they are essentially a device that is worn on the head that completely covers the eyes for an immersive 3D experience, often referred to as VR goggles. They also frequently come with handheld controllers to help the system track your movements and reflect them in the 3D environment (think playing a game of virtual tennis and the controller you hold is your “racket”). 

They can be used for many, many things such as workout classes, video games, 3D presentations, trainings/classes, front-row seats to a show from afar, virtual hikes, and more.

While there are many different VR headsets available on the market, the highest-selling and more popular one is the Oculus Quest 2, made by Meta. 

Image Courtesy of Scott Stein/CNET

The headset is powerful and well-designed, while being offered with a relatively affordable price. The Oculus app allows consumers to download new VR apps and games and find friends to connect with in VR. 

The Quest 2 comes with a base storage of 128GB, a Qualcomm Snapdragon XR2 processor, high-res display, and it doubles as a PC VR headset. It’s also lighter and a bit smaller than its predecessor. While it’s battery life is only 2-3 hours, and it requires users to login through a Facebook account (the Facebook company is now known as Meta, who created the Quest 2), the headset is still the cutting edge of VR technology. CNET labels it as an Editors’ Choice and gave it an overall score of 8.7 out of 10. 

How to Use the Oculus Quest 2 at Events 

With the rapid growth of VR, and more accessibility to the products than ever before, not finding ways to incorporate VR into events would be a massive missed opportunity. If you aren’t sure how to do so, here are some creative ways: 

3D VR Livestream and Presentation

In the age of Covid, reaching those who can not attend your events in person is key to capturing the largest audience possible. Having a VR friendly aspect of your event and presentations is a great way to do so, considering how many households now own VR headsets. Simply streaming a video with a traditional powerpoint of your main presentation, or big reveal, may get boring for people who have been watching everything virtually for multiple years now. If they are able to put on their at-home virtual headset and feel like they are sitting front row and taking part in an immersive presentation, they may be more engaged and less likely to drop off. 


Gaming is a very large part of the VR world, and there’s no reason why you can’t take advantage of this at your event. Set up a VR station where people can take turns wearing the goggles and participating in some sort of VR game against other attendees with the winner getting a gift card or other prize. This can be used to help you capture potential leads. Think of a game like virtual basketball where anyone who provided you with their contact information gets to shoot free throws on a VR basketball game for one minute. Whoever among the participants makes the most free throws would then be awarded a small prize. It makes for a fun activity, and adds to your marketing/sales contact database. 

VR Demos 

Another way to take advantage of VR at an event is to provide people with a virtual reality demo of your product. For instance, say you are a car company and hosting a big product launch event for the latest model of your new car. While you obviously can’t let people actually go driving around while at your event, you can provide them with a VR test drive that might help them get a feel for what it’s like navigating your latest vehicle.

Image Courtesy of Audi, 2016 CES event

Employee Training

Another instance where VR headsets can be used is at employee training events. The unfortunate reality of these type of events is that they can often be quite boring and mundane, ultimately running the risk that your staff spaces out and doesn’t truly process the training information you need them to. However, by making the trainings immersive with VR, you might have better luck keeping them engaged. Especially for “learn by doing” types, going through trainings on a VR headset and actually doing the new activity or scenario, can lead to better knowledge retention. 

Image Courtesy of VentureBeat: Workers trying out Strivr’s training platform.

With these scenarios in mind, it’s clear to see how VR headsets can take events to the next level. While the price point of the Oculus Quest 2 is relatively low in the grand scheme of things, it probably doesn’t make sense to buy numerous sets for a single event. Instead, reach out to eTech to learn more about how we can make your events come to life with our VR headset rentals, and as always we are always there to assist you in setting up the equipment. 

About eTech

eTech Rentals is a national technology solutions provider located in Southern California specializing in rental technology integration. eTech is committed to long-standing client relationships and consistent, reliable local service, trusted by expert event planners, film and entertainment production companies, and businesses in California and nationwide.
Learn more about eTech Rentals at: https://www.etechrentals.com/